Priority Plymouth CAAP
With Priority Plymouth, our town's first Climate Action Roadmap, we will work together to build a sustainable and resilient future for all.
To realize that future, we must:
1) Reduce our greenhouse gas emissions
2) Adapt to the impacts of climate change
The goals, strategies, and actions in our roadmap will be organized into 5 key focus areas.
We all have a role to play in ensuring a healthy and vital future for our community. Click on drop down menus in each focus area to discover easy and important actions you can take today!
Focus Area: Building, Energy, Infrastructure
What you can do...
Engage in free energy audit
Weatherproof windows, doors, attic
Replace gas and oil burners with fuel efficient heat pumps; check for potential government rebates
Upgrade AC units with efficient AC pumps; check for potential rebates
Replace gas appliances for efficient electric and induction models; check for potential rebates
Save on electric bills by opting into Plymouth Community Choice Power Supply Program
Stay informed and support CAAP initiatives
Focus Area: Health, Safety & Preparedness
What you can do...
Visit your local farmer's market
Eat a variety of plant-based foods
Walk with a neighbor, or start a neighborhood walking group
Get involved in local groups and connect with someone every day
Enjoy nature
Drink from a reusable stainless steel water bottle
Bring your own glass take-away containers
Focus Area: Transportation
What you can do...
Look into upgrading to an EV; check for rebates
Carpool or use public transportation
Walk or bike when possible (promotes health, too!)
Consider train or bus rides instead of flying
Focus Area: Natural Systems
What you can do...
Learn about fire risks and mitigation
Limit use of non-organic fertilizers and pesticides
Grow a clover lawn
Plant native and pollinator-friendly plants
Use a rain barrel
Dispose of medications properly
Stay informed and support local organization and CAAP initiatives
Focus Area: Waste
What you can do...
Reduce unnecessary consumption, especially of plastics
Bring your own reusable bags and containers when you shop and dine
Compost food waste
Use refillable stainless steel beverage containers
Utilize local, free organizations like Buy Nothing and The Library of Things
Learn more about the circular economy